Important Announcement: StateServ Announces Acquisition of Delta Care Rx

Who We Are

We are pioneers in serving people.

StateServ has been serving patients, families, and providers since 2004. We give patients a best-in-class DME experience. We give our partners predictable costs and operational ease. Most importantly, we give both the peace of mind they deserve. 

We accomplish this by providing our clients access to a comprehensive provider network and a powerful web-based program that, coupled with the expert guidance from our consulting teams, drive efficiencies and clarity for our clients in an industry that is otherwise inefficient and confusing. 

We source and manage durable medical equipment, oxygen, and other services through a network of suppliers, including 40 StateServ Medical locations for clients within our direct service area. We built an industry leading ordering and reporting platform, DMETrack, offering our clients and providers advanced order management, reporting, and invoicing functions, in addition to our vast supplier network. And we have built a team of more than 600 employees, supporting programs and their patients across the country in making critical clinical, financial, and operational decisions at every level.

At our core, we exist to improve patient experiences. We’re dedicated to focusing on DME, so our clients can focus on their patients.

Our Leadership

Paul DiCosmo


Chris Roode


Andrew Delaney


Our Story

StateServ was founded in 2004, when our co-founder was inspired to act after a family member's unfavorable DME experience while under hospice care. Determined to help hospice providers, their patients, and families avoid such unfortunate incidents in the future, he helped form StateServ Medical with the goal to create a system that would specifically address the shortcomings of DME services to hospices that existed at the time. Beginning first as a physical DME delivery service, StateServ began by providing high-quality and reliable durable medical equipment to hospice patients in Tempe, Arizona and then quickly expanded into six additional states.

In 2010, we launched our DME Benefit Management Service, where we contract with local DME providers across the country to provide nationwide DME services with the quality and reliability that hospices have come to associate with the StateServ name. Together with our proprietary, user-focused DMETrack software, StateServ provides the full spectrum of DME services, management, expertise, and technology that have revolutionized the field.

Learning from our past, we always strive to improve our services while uniting compassion, integrity, service, and innovation with our dedication to post-acute care. At StateServ, our history forms both our mission and the values that guide our company.